Specify the Flex Applications to Open for a Record and Run Session
Source code
'This example opens OpenText Functional Testing, loads the Web and Flex add-ins, creates a GUI test,
'and specifies the Flex applications to be opened for the test.
'This example assumes that there is no unsaved test currently open in OpenText Functional Testing.
'For more information, see the example for the Test.SaveAs method.
Dim qtApp ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtFlexLauncher ' Declare a Flex launcher variable

Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object

qtApp.SetActiveAddins Array("Flex", "Web") ' Load the Flex and Web Add-ins
qtApp.Launch ' Start the OpenText Functional Testing application
qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the OpenText Functional Testing application visible
qtApp.New ' Open a new test

Set qtFlexLauncher = qtApp.Test.Settings.Launchers.Item("Flex") ' Return the Flex launcher

qtFlexLauncher.Active = True ' Instruct OpenText Functional Testing to open specified Flex applications when a record or run session begins

' Add an AIR application to the list of applications to open. The application must be manually prepared in advance for OpenText Functional Testing testing.
' The application requires "Login" and "Password" command line parameters.
qtFlexLauncher.Applications.AddStandaloneApplication "C:\Program Files\MyApplication.exe", "MyName MyP@ssw0rd"

' Add a Flex application to the list of applications to open. The application must be manually prepared in advance for OpenText Functional Testing testing.
' The application accepts "Login" and "Password" parameters and should be opened in Internet Explorer.
qtFlexLauncher.Applications.AddApplicationInIE32 "http://myserver/MyFlexApplication.swf", "Login=MyName&Password=MyP@ssw0rd"

' Add a Flex application to open using the OpenText Functional Testing Flex Runtime Loader.
' The application accepts "Login" and "Password" parameters and should be opened in Internet Explorer.
' The Runtime Loader must be stored on the same server as the application.
qtFlexLauncher.Applications.AddApplicationInIE32WithRuntimeLoader "http://myserver/MyFlexApplication.swf", "Login=MyName&Password=MyP@ssw0rd", "http://myserver/UFTFlexAUTLoader.swf"

Set qtApp = Nothing 'Release the Application object
Set qtFlexLauncher = Nothing 'Release the FlexLauncher object